Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Blessed Twentieth Birthday

It's almost the end of March, and I guess I'm done with all my 20th birthday celebrations already. Here's an appreciation post and also a summary of how I've spent my blessed birthday. 

This year I've gotten so much more than what I deserve. I've received surprises from friends and family, good meals treated by different group of friends and also good time spent with all my loved ones. I didn't expect this year to be so overwhelmed, since I didn't even plan anything with anyone, expect for Daniel. But yeah, THANK YOU PEOPLE! You guys are the reasons why this post is up on my blog ❤️ 

18th March 2016:
Starting with the first surprise prepared by three dearly girlfriends, aka IDOTS. On the day itself, we were supposed to meet up, like usual. The girls came to picked me up and as I opened the back door of the car, they shouted "Happy birthday". I was so surprised that I immediately closed the door and started laughing (I don't know why I did that, but it happened the same way during my 19th birthday surprise in my room). Seeing car made balloons with letters hanging on wasn't all of the plan yet. Suddenly, Daniel just popped out from somewhere else *AAAHHHHH* Yup, he was the special guest to my surprise! 

People out there may not know how much these letters mean to me. We girls have always been asking for "letters" from each other and the answer will always be "no letters for you" or "nah". I'm truly glad that I have finally received three from IDOTS. Thank you girls! Oh yeah, thanks Justin and Daniel for being our camera man and light man for the whole photography session. Your services are great and we would like to have two of you again on any future celebration hehe!

20th March 2016:
Moving on to my birthday eve.. My whole family gathered with relatives for dinner at my aunt's house. Every Sunday is a family day for us and we will most likely stick together especially when it's night time. While I was enjoying the beautiful view at the corridor, all of them came out to surprise me with a cake. It was a simple and enjoyable night. Too bad I don't have any picture of us celebrating. But... 
I managed to take a short clip of them surprising me ❤️ of course I was a happy kid.. I like it when people get me cake because to me, it's a must to blow candles and eat cake on birthdays. Thanks family & relatives, my birthday hadn't started yet they made me like a happy baby.

21st March 2016:
The third celebration, was on my actual birthday with Daniel. He brought me to a very romantic and cozy Italian restaurant, called Ciao Ristorante at Kampung Pandan (click here for review). 

After dinner, he suggested that we go Acme Bar and Coffee, Troika for my favourite sizzling brownie. Never get bored of this. My all time favourite dessert!

This place looks awesome at night. Thank god it wasn't a rainy day, 
so we could to enjoy outdoor seats.

Fake candid taken by boyfriend.

Daniel passed me a big box (with my pressie inside) while we were on the way to Troika. I was pretty excited but he insisted that I couldn't open it in the car as he wanted to enjoy my reaction towards the gift. The very first thing I saw in the box was a random card written by Daniel. It wasn't a very fancy handmade card but the content cheered me up a lot, especially the words "hey, princess" (he doesn't call me that normally so I better appreciate). I bet I don't need to mention what's inside of the box, since many people know what it is already. Thanks boyfriend for such precious gift, you've successfully surprised me.

23th March 2016:

Fourth celebration! This time was with my dwarf baes. We planned to try out Anne Elizabeth, a restaurant located near Cheras Leisure Mall since it was kinda popular on Facebook last month. Uhm, no review for this restaurant because I only tried one food and there's nothing much to talk about. However, I don't think that this is a good place to dine in. I don't really like their services, and the food offered are not up to what I expected it to be. 

Birthday gifts from the girls.. Haha aren't them cute? Scroll down to see what I have gotten!

29th March 2016:
Last one, a great meal treated by my university buddies last night at The Ships! Why is it on 29th March? Because we finally finished all our midterm yesterday and we have all the time in the world! I really appreciate it even though it was a short time spent together. Thank you girls for the delicious meal, it was so great!

Okay, done with all celebrations and here comes the gifts:

1. Bead bracelet in sterling silver with Tiffany Blue enamel finish, by Tiffany&Co.
2. Chanel inspired bag in bronze, by Jellytoyboy (this is from one of the Chanel designers).
3. Sony Alpha 5100 (one of my must-get cameras with interchangable lens).
4. Smartphone holder from Hush Puppies.
5. Hand cream in a very adorable container from Etitude House.

Okay, thats all for this post... Goodbye to my favourite month of the year, and yay I'll be heading to Hong Kong tomorrow for a short getaway! Pretty excited! Till my next post, see you!

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