Monday, July 20, 2015


Since I have a few days of holidays due to Hari Raya, I have decided to make an Oreo Cheesecake. To be honest, I'm not good in baking or making any desserts. So far I've tried baking for 2 or 3 times in my whole life, and obviously I still need lots of practices. I've decided to make cheesecake because:

1) Cheesecake is one of the things that I've baked before. I don't fully remember the entire recipe as my previous attempt was guided by my friend's mom, who is an expert in baking cakes. In addition, I baked that when I was 16 year old, which is like three years ago. But I insisted to go for cheesecake as it's quite easy to make. 

2) I wanted to bake something that Daniel loves. He has been hinting about the first cake that I've baked for him, therefore I am trying to bake one more for him (although I'm not sure if it's gonna taste close or not lol). 

I went online to read a few recipes and decided to follow the one from As I would be using a smaller springform pan, I have adjusted the portion for each ingredients. I am using a 7-inch springform pan. I didn't want to make a big one, because I am not sure if it's gonna taste good without adding sour cream. 

500g of cream cheese
1/2 cup of sugar
2 eggs
3/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract
3 tablespoons of melted butter
21-24 oreo cookies

For the crust, I used about 13 oreo cookies (with the icing removed) and all 3 tablespoons of melted butter. If you like cheesecake with thin crust, 13 cookies would be fine. But i personally prefer thicker crust, so maybe I'll trying using more cookies next time!

I used baking paper before creating the base. It's not mentioned in the recipe, but I prefer using it.

After preparing the batter, I added another 9 crushed cookies into the batter and stirred. I think I like cheesecake with more cookies chunks so I'll gonna add more for my next one.

According to the recipe, I'm supposed to bake the cake at 350 F for 45 minutes and here's the result. The top layer is kinda brown. It's not over baked, and the middle part is just nice. I guess I shall use a lower temperature next time and bake for a longer time so that the top layer won't turn brown so quickly.

 TADAA! Okay, I gotta admit that the appearance is not so tempting, but it tastes good.
I am gonna try more and make it perfect *peace*

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