Monday, July 6, 2015


As the title suggests, today I'll be blogging about my latest food trip to Malacca. Daniel is having his semester break now, and we've decided to visit Malacca again for all the good food (especially those in Jonker Street)! The trip was really short, just one and a half day. I couldn't make it a longer trip, as I am currently on the busiest point of my semester.

Day 1
We reached Malacca after approximately two hours of driving, and the first place we headed to for breakfast was Jonker 88, located at Jonker Street. This shop is famous with their laksa as well as cendol! The name of the shop is kinda fading already, so for those for have hassle looking for it, it's actually located next to the statue of Datuk Wira Dr. Gan Boon Leong.

Baba Nyonya Laksa 

The soup has a heavy taste of coconut and its not spicy at all, I feel that it's kinda sweet compared to all the laksa I've tried in my life. If you can't take spicy stuff, you probably would want to try this!

Asam Laksa

Since Daniel ordered the Baba Nyonya Laksa, so I guess I shall try other stuff. Their Asam Laksa looks very typical but guess what, the taste is definitely rare! The taste is quite traditional, you probably won't get to try it in cities like Kuala Lumpur.

Durian Cendol

To me, the best combination to our laksa would be the cendol! You will rarely see me eating cendols because I am not a big fan of it. But in Malacca, there are Durian Cendols, and Durian is my favourite food, therefore I must tryyyy! One bowl wasn't enough but both of us were pretty full already.

After our breakfast, we headed to the Upside Down House Gallery located at Plaza Mahkota (near Mahkota Parade). This gallery is basically a house with all everything attaching to the ceiling. I would say the number of room is quite limited. There are only four sections inside, which include a living room, two bedrooms and a part for the bathroom. Oh yea, the entrance fee is only RM 15 per person. 

Daniel trying to climb up to the shelves.

Hehe I look like I'm floating. Where's the gravity?

Daniel trying to hold my hand whole floating HAHAHAA

I can't do any special moves, except for jumping lol.

Not rotating this photo, just to show how the gallery actually looks like.

We drove all the way to Klebang later on for the famous milkshake with coconut chunks in it. I've been reading reviews about the Klebang Coconut Milkshake and it's one of the must-try things in the list. 
Klebang Coconut Milkshake

To be honest, I didn't expect it to taste so good. Too good, that Daniel and I went to grab two more cups before we started out journey back to Kuala Lumpur. They are selling two types, one with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top and one without the ice cream. We tried both and I prefer the one with ice cream as the taste is milkier and stronger. The coconut chunks and the vanilla ice cream make a perfect match! I think most of the people would like it. If you don't, it's either:
- you hate coconut/vanilla, or
- you have very very high requirements for good food.

Later, about 4pm, we decide to have millicrepes at Nadeje, Mahkota Parade for tea time. Yayyyy! Didn't get to taste it for about 9 months already. Although Nadeje has a branch in Petalling Jaya, but I've heard that the Malacca branch serves the best millicrepes. Hence, everytime when my family is here in Malacca, we will make sure ourselves visit Nadeje.

Outfit from Forever 21.

It was around 6pm, and we should be going to Jonker Street already, but Daniel was craving for the mamak food served by this restaurant called Pak Putra Tandoori & Naan. He likes their chicken tandoori and cheese naan a lot. 

Undeniable, the Chicken Tandoori is really one of the best I've tried.

Triple Cheese Naan 

Night time at Jonker Street! This RM1 stick ice cream is everywhere on Jonker. Got ourselves two sticks to quench the thirst! 

Fried oyster - We saw many stalls selling seafood and decided to try some! Both Daniel and I were very satisfied with it. The eggs weren't just normal fried eggs. The texture was quite crispy making it something very enticing!

Heh Mixed fruits coated with chocolate. Daniel and I were playing a game by guessing what was the next fruit. He just made this fruit sticks interesting. 

And let me present to you the best Durian Puffs! I got this from the stall I went to the last time I was in Jonker. I couldn't bite well ever since I have my braces on, and I just love how tiny is the size of the puff. 

The crowd just got bigger and bigger.

Day 2

Before we headed back to Kuala Lumpur, we had our brunch in Limau-Limau Cafe @ Jalan Hang Jebat. We were sitting on the outside as inside were fully seated and the upper floor was closed due to insufficient of manpower.

My favourite Earl Grey tea. I just found out that Earl Grey protects teeth from cavities and helps to prevent cancer :DD

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