Saturday, January 30, 2016

Day 4 in Seoul: Lotte World

Exactly two months ago, I was here in Lotte World, exploring both the indoor and outdoor theme parks and taking photos in almost every corner. I remember that it was a weekday (Monday I guess..), but surprisingly the whole place was extremely crowded. It was just weekday... imagine what could happen on weekend! Not just tourists, but there were many many korean youngsters too. They probably were on end-year break and or something. Frankly speaking, I think the admission fee to Lotte World is a little unworthy.. we spent 48,000 won (RM 165) but didn't get to enjoy most of the rides. Nevermind. I still managed to have lots and lots of fun!

When I was younger, I wasn't so interested with this theme park in Seoul. Until a few years back, when Daniel first visited Lotte World and he was like "next time when we have chance, let's come to Lotte World together". That was when I started to pay more attention to this beautiful theme park. I regret for not waking up earlier that morning or else we could have spent more time there.

We went there by subway, about 45 minutes ride from our apartment in Gongdeok..
rested in front of this Trevi Fountain replica while grabbing a quick meal.. no time 
for proper meal because we picked sleep over food. 

Roughly showing y'all how the world's largest indoor them park looks like. All these pictures were taken in Adventure 1st Floor. There are more parks to explore, but mostly are for kids. Everything here is just cute!

Look! Even the stage performance is so cute... Kids are gonna like it a lot. I am not a kid but I somehow got amused by their stage shows HAHAHAHA I actually stopped there to watch the show and Daniel was annoyed and be like "you're such a kid". 

Aeronauts Balloon Ride.

This photo reminds me of a ride that I failed to try (regretting now...). Daniel went up last time and he told me that we could enjoy the entire view of the indoor theme park on Floor 1 while going on a ride. I was a little too rushy to visit the outdoor theme park and decided to come back at night, since there would be lights all over, which I thought would be very beautiful. Ended up, we missed it when we got back at night because we were too hungry and strengthless. Sad life. This time we picked food over entertainment lol.

Magic Land.

 It's an outdoor amusement park, with all the scary thrill rides like roller coaster, 
bungee jump and swings. Isn't it beautiful? 

Woohoo! Credits to Daniel for this fave shot of mine.
People kept passing by and photobombed me. 

Extremely crowded. We spent more than FOUR hours in Magic Land and only managed to visit The Haunted House(a 3-D horror theater) and go on two rides. Which means that we queued for more than an hour for each ride. Take a look at the photos below. Every corner was terribly packed. 
Daniel enjoying his Hot Chocolate.


This was the very first ride I took in Magic Land. It's something like "跳楼机" but at lower height. Basically, this thing goes up to 38 m, falls at the speed of 90 km/h and when it's almost at the bottom, the bungee repeats again and again. There is another ride called Gyro Drop which is so much scarier and higher but only goes one shot from the top to the bottom. I never like anything like this, because I'm not anyone who can bear the fear of sudden fall from a high spot. But, since Daniel wanted me to try and this was probably the least challenging ride there... so I got no choice lol.

Gyro Spin.

I did not lie nor exaggerate when I mentioned about the long queue earlier. 
Can you see how far we were from the ride? Literally lined up for one and a half hours.

Gyro Swing.

This had the longest queue but I got no idea why we still went for it. It's like a circular thing that holds 40 people and swings from left to right while the vehicle spins. VERY TERRIFYING. You may not feel the fear now, just go on a ride and the experience will explain itself. 

How Magic Land looks at night. Amazing view!

Back to indoor and wow, they had more performances at night compared to day time! It was about 7:00 pm in Seoul and we were starving badly. Couldn't stand it anymore and decided to leave Lotte World and head for a good meal at Gangnam (Gangnam is famous with good food!).

Hana Udon.

I forgot why we ended up in this restaurant, but the food was good and not over priced. To be honest, I tried a few restaurants on the previous days and the owner charged unreasonably. But I guess, this one was quite okay. At least the food was in big portion, cheap price and most importantly delicious.

After dinner, we went to Lotte Mart, the branch at Seoul Station to hunt for famous korean products. Overall, it was a good day at Lotte World and Lotte Mart. Satisfied!

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