Sunday, January 24, 2016



Hey, gotta stop blogging about Seoul trip for awhile because it's the boyfriend's birthday. Daniel turned twenty on 23rd of January 2016, but as we would be pretty occupied with event on the actual day itself, we've decided to grab a pre-birthday dinner on his birthday eve at Le Midi, Bangsar Shopping Centre. I kinda picked this one because I wanted to try new stuff and Le Midi is just one of the must-try-restaurants in my list (yes, I chose this although its's not my birthday because Daniel probably would suggest to eat McDonalds).

Booked a table at 7:30 pm, but lol Malaysian will never be on time. We spent almost two hours to reach the mall, and yup we were late thanks to the heavy traffic! I was really surprised to find that we were the first table there although it was about eight at night already. 

And no window seats because those are for customers who order the 
French or Italian Menu (4 courses).

Birthday boy.

We had a hard time deciding what to eat. Fortunately, that have this set menu which comes with starter, main course and dessert. More than enough for one person and it's only RM 98++ per set. Very worthy I would say! Of course, one dinner set will not be enough to feed two of us. I wanted to try other stuff too, thus, we just ordered a set for Daniel and I went for pasta. 

Wild mushroom soup with truffle oil as starter. 
Nothing much.. just like what other restaurants can do but at least it's nice. That's all that matters.

Grilled Salmon with orange dill sauce served with roasted potatoes.
For the main dish, we were allowed to choose either grilled salmon or grilled ribeye. Daniel picked salmon because he wanted me to try his food a little and I don't eat beef. I was impressed, because I rarely eat salmon too but I kinda like this, not bad huh.

Walnut brownie served with vanilla ice cream.
And the last thing from the set. Ice cream and brownie... Perfect match!

Classic Escargot a la Bourgogne with herbs and garlic butter. (RM 47+)
Other than the dishes above, we ordered escargot, our all time favourite dish! So far there are two restaurants that serve perfect escargot. The first one goes to The Ship, followed by Cava, Bangsar. The above one tasted good but not as buttery as I expected it to be. I prefer it to taste a little stronger. Anyway, still something that worth a try.

Penne pasta with tomato sauce, smoked duck and mushroom.
Oh, not forgetting the pasta that I've mentioned earlier. Everything in the picture above is just nice and well matched. I remember seeing lots of reviews about the food portion. Many said that the portion served in Le Midi is real small but I don't think so. I think all dishes are served in an appropriate size that could fill up a moderate eater. If you're a super big eater then.. order more perhaps? But, honestly, with the above dishes, both Daniel and I were pretty filled up already.

My truly awkward ootd shot haha. 

The little gift that I've prepared for him. Lol I got him balloons too although he is not a huge fan of all these, just to decorate the gift box. Probably his first time receiving helium balloons too. I am so glad that I have bought the right stuff for him and thank god, he likes his birthday pressie a lot! 

That's all for this post.. Happy 20th Birthday Daniel!

Le Midi, Bangsar Shopping Centre
3rd floor, East Wing,
Bangsar Shopping Centre,
Kuala Lumpur.

Operating hours:
MONDAY - SUNDAY (11:30 am to 11:00 pm)

Contact: 03-20941318

For more information:

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