Sunday, August 30, 2015




*claps* Well, I just want to say that I am feeling really blessed at this point of my life. It really feels so amazing to stay with someone for four years. Four years may be a long period to certain people but to me, it's really short. Probably because Daniel participated in most of my life stories ever since secondary school and I'm not sure why, I just feel better having him around. I heard that happy moments tend to pass faster than the dull ones. This must be true. It's like we just celebrated our third anniversary and in a blink of an eye, here we are for the fourth anniversary (officially on 25th of August 2015).

We did many other things (desserts, movie, spending time around) before our dinner at Strato, Troika. But in this post, I am going to emphasize on the great meal we had that night. I am sure many people have heard about Troika Sky-dining before. There are three western restaurants located in Troika, and Strato is all about Italian food. 

Strato is directly above of Claret Wine Bar. It's not very spacious but still managed to occupy 6 to 7 table seats. As you can see from the picture, Strato has these red tiles all over it, which makes me feel kinda "old school". 

We were seated close to the windows.. with an astonishing view of the city. Daniel and I just kept spotting buildings that we'd been to. They even have long tables, with side-by-side seats around the windows for people who would like to enjoy a greater view. So thoughtful and space saving!

Here's Daniel, busy looking at the menu.

Not sure if anyone notices this, I have side fringe I these pictures. I went to cut it short a few days ago but it was kinda annoying so I just swept it up. 

Crab meat Linguini with chilies and crab sauce.

I would order pasta whenever I'm dining in western restaurant. It feels like a completion to my meal. Whether I am satisfied with this or not? Yes, I do. Everything in this dish is fine and simple. Just like those above average pastas that you would want to go back for a second try. All pastas cost around RM 50, unless you order the one served with lobster, then it would cost more than RM 80.

Roasted Chicken Breast with Basil and Mozzarella. 

Daniel is kinda eating clean for dinner recently, therefore, he decided to have chicken breast for that night. The portion was really beyond our expectations. I mean, usually all these restaurants don't serve such filling portion at RM 55. We thought ordering the chicken and pasta would not be enough.. Hence, we went for one more dish, which is the one below.

 Portobello mushrooms pizza.

Yes, pizza, a BIG one. I personally think the pizza could feed at least 3 people. Very crispy, very thin crust and large amount of mushrooms! They also serve beef pizza, lamb pizza and haddock pizza too. Same as the pasta, prices are around RM 50.

Thank you, friendly waitress for this picture of us together. Obviously, Daniel wore white to match my outfit.

 Oh talking about outfit, here's my ootd. Why must the best picture always be the blurred one?

I am wearing my white jumpsuit from Miss Selfridge. I love how easy matching it is, and I don't even have to worry about getting exposed while dressing in this short length. 

Ending this post with our mirror selfie. God blessed this elevator with huge clear mirror! I kept taking photos lol.

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