Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Day 1 in Seoul: Dongdaemun


Two weeks ago, I travelled to Seoul with my traveling partner, Daniel and here's my very first update about the trip (finally the first one is up..). Three words to describe this entire trip: Adventurous, fun and astonishing. We weren't there with a big group of people nor with any tour guides. Everything was planned and scheduled according to our own will. You gotta trust me, going to a country with language you don't speak and without a guide isn't that bad. In fact, it's very interesting! Of course, you have to be prepared for challenges like hassles while looking for certain places, impromptu change in schedule if plan A fails and also being unable to communicate well with people around. 

Talking about challenges, the weather has to be one of it! We all know how the weather swings drastically during winter, but honestly I did not expect it to be so cold as it's not even mid winter on the end of November. I even checked the forecast two weeks before when I was planning out the clothes to pack. Guess what? The temperature dropped by at least 7 degrees when I rechecked it few days before my trip. My flight reached Seoul at 3.30pm when it was zero or negative one degree. 

As we only had less than half a day after settling down from the airport to our Airbnb home (my first time trying Airbnb and it was awesome!), we'd decided to just wander around Seoul and see what we could get. First night was all spent at Dongdaemun

Dongdaemun is one of the famous places in Seoul with many shopping malls. You could find a big variety of clothes from cheap prices to expensive ones. I didn't buy any clothes though, as most of the apparels were too thick for Malaysia. It's okay, because I went there to experience winter not mainly for shopping. Also, not forgetting the street food there.. Places like Dongdaemun, Insadong, Sinchon, Hongdae and Myeondong sell lots and lots of street food. 

We didn't really grab a proper meal on our first night there. Honestly we didn't even feel the urge to eat because it was extremely cold. We were kinda focusing on how to hide from the strong wind and cover our palms. 

These decorations outside the mall were so pretty! Couldn't resist to snap a photo although we struggled to get our hands out of the pockets. I guess I only took a few pictures on the first night. As you can see, I was so wrapped up... 

After a short while spent in the malls around, we headed to the Dongdaemun Design Plaza. It's actually a building with Art Halls, Conference Halls, Media Centre and more. Months ago, I saw people posting photos of the LED roses planted at somewhere in the building. We had a hard time finding the garden.. walked around the buildings for an hour just these LED roses!

Tadaa! Aren't they beautiful?

The sign says " Do not touch" but I still do it HAHA OPS

For those who are looking for this place, just take the subway and exit at the Dongdaemun History and Cultural Park Station.

We thought of hanging out until late night, unfortunately, the markets there were all closed at 10pm. So, Daniel and I decided to just go back to our Airbnb apartment and cook ourselves some noodles. Yes, I mean the SPICY KOREAN RAMEN!

I have been eating this since a few months back.. so it wasn't a big challenge for me. Meanwhile, for Daniel, it was his first time eating this super spicy noodles. We both managed to finish it.. with the aid of many glasses of iced water HAHA

 And also this! Our favourite Banana Milk! This is like the best milk I've tried in my life. I wanted to get a few cartons back to Malaysia but I couldn't.. My luggage kinda overweight.. Definitely missing it alot now. 


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