Monday, April 3, 2017

21 Years Old

Throwing back to 18th March, where my biggest 21st birthday surprise was held at Regalia Residence! It was totally a shocking, surprising and blissful experience... prolly one of the best nights I have had by far.

I am normally not dumb nor insensitive when it comes to receiving surprises. Yes, it's not easy to surprise me, because I THINK a lot! Even the smallest hint/leakage can lead my mind to a hundred imaginations. I must say that Dan has tried really hard to divert my attention.

In case you don't know, my actual birthdate is on 21st March (not 18th!). Obviously all of us would expect for any kind of surprises the few before the actual day arrives. But then, Dan insisted that I would receive surprises on our friends gathering (which is after my actual birthdate), so I didn't bother preparing heart for anything.

Okay coming back to the surprise, my family knew about it earlier and their roles were to secretly assist me to the location. According my lil sister, she booked a table for family dinner and had prepared me with mini surprises (thought to myself it must be some helium balloons lol). She insisted that I should be in white outfit, even my entire family was in the same colour. I was wondering why dress code, wasn't it just a casual family dinner? But since everyone dolled up, I didn't hesitate to do so.

About three minutes away from the party, I was asked to put on a sleeping mask.. Ah! Something fishy was going on! I rejected at the first time but then I didn't wanna ruin her efforts, therefore I just obeyed whatever she said. After some time walking under my mom's guidance, I was led to a room kinda place and someone started to hold me around.

As I took off the sleeping mask, I saw a mini walkway created with candles on the floor, just as shown above. Everyone started singing me birthday song while I was approaching the end of the walkway.

The light was turned on, and I got more surprised to see the mini dessert table and a big bunch of lovely people. I was really shocked by the amount of attendees, even Dan's family was there to join the party.

Smiling awkwardly at the camera because I was still in shock lol.

Birthday cake: The Buttercake Factory (@buttercake_factory)
Cupcakes: The Buttercake Factory (@buttercake_factory)
Croquembouche: Le Claire by Frennee (@leclaire.patisserie)
Mini Hot Air Balloon: Infinity Blossom (@infinity.blossom)
Balloons: Le Bloons (@le.bloons)
Flowers: Petit Petal (@petitpetalco)

My 21st birthday cake in peachy pink with gold touch up around it. I really love the simple yet sweet design of the cake. I've always wanted a pink birthday cake and this one looks just perfect for me. Sweet and lovely floral design! (Click here for prices)

Baby pink cupcakes in floral designs to match my cake.
Didn't realize the number 21 until I looked back on the photo.

Croquembouche! First time trying this French dessert and it was great. Uhm couldn't really describe what were inside of these balls.. because I only tasted two of these, one in chocolate and the other one in peanut I guess.

No idea why Dan got me this, but I love the mini Hot Air Balloon. Hehe normally I see people receiving this with all red roses.. I guess Dan requested to mix with hydrangea because I told him "hydrangea is damn beautiful!".

Big big thanks to these guys, who willingly lent a hand during the preparation.
You guys are such a bunch of awesome people!

Lovely girls, thanks each and everyone of you who'd come together to celebrate my big day. 
It was heart-warming to see some of you with busy schedule yet tried to make time for me.

Dan's family. They were the most unexpected guests of the night, truly surprised 
to see them at the party! Thank you for helping out with the food and sparing your precious time.

Not forgetting my own family members, thank god I have you people!
The plan wouldn't be completed without your effort in assisting me there.

PC: My part-time photographer, Dan

Most importantly, I wanna thank this guy for being a mastermind to the surprise party. Yes, I am amazed with the amount of effort you've put in. Life has been more than just great with you as a companion, I just wanna thank God for sending such a lovely person into my life. Love you, Dan ❤️

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